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Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) for the Fairfax County Advanced Academic Programs (AAP)

Dear TC Community, especially, 1st Grader's Parents,

The following is posted here as we got quite a few inquiries about this from a half dozen parents during the winter break. We think it's better posted and emailed to our community, as we don't have enough volunteers to relay clearly the information pertinent to this subject to every interested 1st grader parents.

The Fairfax County Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) are the gifted and talented programs for elementary, middle, and high school students attending Fairfax County Public Schools. The accelerated programs challenge students academically, while also catering to their core strengths.

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) uses a nationally normed abilities test as one piece of information when identifying students for advanced academic programs. FCPS uses two group-administered abilities tests: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT). Most students in grade 1 take the NNAT, and most students in grades 2 take the CogAT.

2024 NNAT test date is March 1-8.

Our 1st grade NNAT prep class is aimed to help our 1st grade students. The class has started in fall semester and ends before March 2024. If your child is in 1st grade at Fairfax county public school, this class might greatly benefit him/her.

We still have several spots in 1st grade math & NNAT Prep class, so you can still enroll while the seats are still available.

Elem Math First Grade & GT Test Prep 4pm 小学数学一年级 & GT Prep 4pm D203 16:00-16:50 (Sunday) $170.00 Kirby, Jing


Best wishes,



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