HCSTC 8/6/2023 Announcement
Dear HCSTC Community: It has brought to our attention yet again that some of our Fall semester classes has approached their FULL status, albeit quite a few registrants have not yet paid their tuitions after registration for these classes. It has always been the policy of the HCSTC that tuition should be paid after registration of any classes. This policy is articulated clearly on our website as well, which is reposted here again for your convenience to be reminded. 2. Tuition Payment : Tuition is due upon registration. The School requires every student to fully pay their tuitions after they register. If a class is full but not all students pay the tuition, the School will drop those unpaid students immediately in order to make rooms for others and to be fair to everyone. On the 1st day of our school, any registered but unpaid students will be dropped from our registration system to ensure the integrity and fairness of the HCSTC. The School will drop those registered but unpaid students from any of the FULL classes so other students who desire to pay for these classes can proceed to register them. To avoid being dropped and any potential possibilities of rearrange your schedule for the Fall semester, we strongly urge you to pay your tuition plus registration fees immediately to avoid any inconvenience. Best wishes, HCSTC Board