Go Game Club come to FCPS--New Go Class slot offer in HCS-CT
Dear HCS-CT community,
Hope that you all had a very relaxing and happy holiday season and ready for the new school term! Happy New Year!
I am happy to share an exciting new initiative to establish new Go clubs in FCPS schools that was just announced in the January School Board Announcement. This initiative is joined co-sponsored by the FCPS School Board and American Go Association. Our Go teacher, Richard Duan and myself are actively involved in this initiative and I will be a volunteer Go teachers in some of the new Go clubs. Richard actually is featured in the school board news letter announcing this initiative, which I attached at the end of this email. The news letter is very long, thus I copied part of it here for your information.
Many of you might know, Go class is one of the popular classes offered only in our campus. In the context of this FCPS initiative and to meet the growing needs, we have opened another introduction Go class at 3-3:50 time slot in the upcoming Spring term in addition to the 2-2:50 slot we have since last term. Since this is a very interactive class, the registration limit is 10. Please register as soon as possible if your kid is interested. My hope is that our school Go class, which is the only one in all Hope Chinese School campuses, can incubate some of the Go leaders who would lead, or found their own, Go clubs in their home schools in the years to come! For those interested, TJ already has a Go club and some of their students may provide help in the new FCPS initiative.
Thank you very much for your attention. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any question about this.
Bin Duan
Hope Chinese School Tyson's Corner Campus