Fall Semester Registration
Dear All: As most of you know, our registration system has been opened for quite some time and several classes are already fully registered with tuition paid in full by all registrants. If you have any plan to take any classes but have not acted to register yet, you may want to take a minute to complete the process before the classes you are interested in are full and closed. We're offering several new classes this year, which could be very helpful to our community members; in the coming days, we'll resend the brief introductions of these classes to help you make your best decisions, in case they get missed by some of you due to the summer vacations. The following are two of the new classes.
CLASS OF Abacus Mind Math (珠心算) for Fall 2023 Abacus is a calculating tool which has been used in Chinese history since ancient times. The abacus mental calculation is a system where users mentally visualize an abacus to carry out arithmetical calculations. The calculations can be made at great speed in this unique way. The Abacus Mind Math has been proven as one of the most effective methods for young learners to do mental math. Abacus learning not only helps with the basic calculations like addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division, it also helps children to: 1. Strengthen mental visualization 2. Sharpen concentration 3. Improve academic results 4. Enforce problem solving techniques. In addition, children trained to use an abacus scored higher on IQ tests and other IQ performance. It can also boost the confidence of the child throughout their learning years. Age requirement for this class is 8 years old/above. CLASS OF SCIENCE EXPLORER for Fall, 2023. 这门课将带你走进迷人的科学世界。课程的内容涵盖许多科技竞赛的知识要点,例如气象,案件侦破,遗传,化学,生物,物理。气象学可以了解大气环境,气象现象,气候变化,天气预报技术,极端天气, 以及对我们生活的影响。遗传学部分作为生物和医学的基础,讲解生物遗传和变异规律, 包括基因的结构、功能及其变异、传递和表达规律。化学部分会讲解原子、分子、离子(团)的物质结构和化学键、分子间作用力等相互作用,理解它们的自然规律和人类生存中的物质和材料。 物理部分包括牛顿力学,声波,光的性质和它们的应用。 案件侦破综合运用化学和生物知识进行逻辑推理和论证。这门课会让孩子更早的对科学产生兴趣,深入掌握科学知识要点,培养快速学习和理解能力,综合运用阅读,数学,逻辑思维能力解决科学和工程问题,锻炼孩子的团队和沟通能力。本课程会分享学习资源和考试技巧,让你的孩子在学校的选拔和竞赛中脱颖而出。 Science Explorer is taught in English. Age requirement will be listed in our registration system. Thank you and best wishes, HCSTC