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9/8/2024 HCSTC School Opening Day

Dear TC Community members:

9/8 is our 1st day of the school. A warm welcome to everyone. Our registration system for the fall semester has been open for quite some time. To those families who are new to our campus, it's highly recommended that you go to our website to read 6 sections listed there so that you fully understand our school policy and to avoid any misunderstanding/confusion later on.

Again, we highlight some of the excerpts here for your convenience. 

1. Registration Policy: All registration must be completed online at

2. Tuition Payment : Tuition is due upon registration. Families can choose to mail a check to the School (HCS-TC, P.O. Box 9023, McLean, VA 22102) or pay by PayPal. The School will absorb the hefty Paypal transaction costs to make it convenient to our parents.

3. Refund Policy: September 8, 2024 is our 1st day of the School. If students do not wish to continue after their 1st day of  classes, they should immediately drop their classes from our registration system online and complete the process by the end of

Sep. 11, 2024. The School will refund 100% of the paid tuition and credit them back to the family accounts; however, the registration fees are not refundable. Again, after Sep. 11/2024, tuition will not be refundable. 

Families, however, can change their paid classes to any other classes of equal $ value that we offer at TC campus, without any additional charge throughout the entire semester; in case they find that their originally registered classes may not fit their needs later on. This is to provide the most flexibility and convenience to our TC campus community members and lessen the workload for our volunteers.

4. Textbook Sales-Ma Liping textbook (马立平中文教课书), Jinan and Bilingual Chinese Textbooks (暨南 和双语“阳阳”教课书):  

The School will organize a school wide Ma Liping, JiNan and Bilingual textbooks sale on the 1st of the School, 9/8/2024, 

on a first come first serve basis. 

Again, The 1st day of our fall semester is 9/8/2024, this coming Sunday. 

Best wishes,



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