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5/21 HCSTC Announcement

Dear TC Community members: First of all, best of luck to all our students on their Final Exams this coming Sunday. Several announcements to be repeated here in this email. We have 3 more school days in this semester before it's all over again for the summer vacation. Here are a few important dates on our calendar that I'd like to remind everyone. - 5/21 is our final exam day. - 5/28 is the Memorial Day and there's NO SCHOOL on that day - 6/4 is our last day at the school, doing exam reviews, handing out Honor Students Awards; THEN, at 4:00 pm, we'll have our school year end performance at the Auditorium. All classes will be ending by 3:40 pm so that it gives students enough time to be seated in the Auditorium to get ready for our CELEBRATION PARTY. - 6/11 is our Picnic Day to celebrate the end of our school year. Our summer school, which is online format, is already open for you to register your children. As we announced earlier, these classes are designed to help students review what they have learned in this whole school year and complete summer homework in the summer school. Due to the shortage of teaching staff members this summer, we do not have classes for every grade and every subject that we have offered during this school year. We've started selling tickets for our picnic and will continue selling them this Sunday at the front desk. The Picnic will be held at the Carderock Recreation Area Pavilion, MD. It starts from 10:00 AM on 6/11. We'll send out direction to the picnic site in later weeks. If you want to attend the picnic, you need to buy tickets ASAP, we do not plan to sell them on 6/11 at the picnic site. For the coming Fall semester, we've been pondering to offer a new math class, Abacus Mind Math (珠心算). Registration age requirement is 3rd grade and up. Please see the attached document to understand its benefits and complete the survey to us as your feedback is very important to help us make the final decision on this new course. Survey link: Abacus Mind Math

Best wishes,



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