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4/28 HCSTC Announcement

Dear HCSTC Community members:This coming Sunday, 4/28 is a normal school day for us. The semester is approaching to its

end fast. We'll have a year-end performance on 6/2 afternoon and a picnic on 6/9 before the end of this school year.

Several announcements need to be repeated here for everyone:

We are at the beginning phase of planning this year's summer classes for students of our campus. All summer classes will be Zoom online and they will be starting on June16 and ending on Aug 4. Most likely, online classes for Pre-K through 5th grade MLP Chinese classes , 4th and 6th Jinan classes, bilingual classes and Math CogAT class will be offered, depending on teachers' availabilities. More information will be coming in the following weeks and  please stay tuned.

- HCSTC School Teacher/Volunteer needed

We are currently planning for the 2024/Fall semester, and if you are interested in teaching at HCSTC, please reach out to us. We are constantly in need for teachers at HCSTC as some teachers either decide to retire due to age or relocation for family reasons.

- HCSTC School Rules

As a reminder again, we are operating at the FCPS facility and we must be following all FCPS rules -

Please talk with your children to behave properly before they come to the school Sunday afternoon. DO NOT CHASE ANYONE IN THE HALLWAYS DURING RECESSES TIME. BE CAREFUL WITH EACH OTHER, NOT TO DO ANY HARM TO EACH OTHER.

No eating and drinking in the classroom, no trash throwing in the classroom trash bin. Do not to touch anything in the classroom that does not belong to you.

For your convenience, we include the following FCPS regulation link for your reference 

Also, tomorrow is the Chinese Idiom Competition among all HCS campuses, and we wish all the best to all finalists representing HCSTC to compete in this competition. 

Best wishes for everyone,



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