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2/9 HCSTC Announcement

Hope all had a Wonderful Chinese New Year!

The coming Sunday 02-09-2025 is the 5th week of Spring Semester 2025. It will be a normal school day with the same schedules, 2-5:50 PM.

All students attending classes at the HCSTC must have registered and paid tuition plus registration fees in full already, otherwise they will get rejected from our classes.

On Sunday (01-26-25), the Red Envelope Distribution Day 发放新年红包 was distributed to students. For any FULLY paid students (adult student not included) at our Tyson’s Corner campus, but have not received, please approach the Help Desk to get it.

According to the recent CDC reports, the Covid, RSVs and flu viruses are getting rampant again across the country. As a precaution, we strongly recommend all of you to take any necessary actions, such as wearing masks and using sanitizers frequently to protect yourself, your families and our community members at our campus as you see most fit and necessary. All your cautious actions are highly appreciated!

Last but not least, Parents, please talk to your children before they come to the school every Sunday afternoon to behave accordingly.

Do Not Play with LOCKER, Do Not Chase Anyone, Do Not Run/Jump In The Hallways During Recesses Time. Be Careful With Each Other And Not To Do Any Harm To Each Other.

No eating, drinking in the classroom, no trash throwing in the classroom trash bin. DO NOT touch anything in the classroom that does not belong to you in the school. No cell phone used in the classroom.

We are here to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for our children at our campus. Anyone who violates that, does harm to our learning environment and especially causes any bodily harm to others could be expelled from the school, brought to local authorities to be dealt with and be subject to any potential monetary liabilities.

Wish all have a wonderful week!



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