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11/5 HCSTC Announcement

Dear HCSTC community members, We will have a normal school day this week. Daylight saving time will end on this Sunday at 2 am. This is the time when you gain an additional hour of sleep. Please remember to set your clock behind one hour Saturday night. As we stated last week, RSV cases are surging unfortunately in our communities; meanwhile seasonal flu and Covid-19 viruses are growing rampant among us as well. It's not ok to neglect winter/respiratory viruses and disease lightly because they could kill. This makes it more important for our students and parents to take precautionary measures at the school as much as possible, in order to protect our community from the triple viruses. We hope everyone takes the issue seriously in order to protect our children, students, teachers and our communities from the viruses and to help provide a safe and secure learning environment for everyone. Be safe and best wishes, HCSTC


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