10-27-2024 Critical Incident Report on Sunday 本星期日发生重大事件报告
Dear Parents,
On 10-27-2024 Sunday around 14:50 ~ 15 at the end of E section, students were playing lockers. One of students was unfortunately locked in the locker! This is very CRITICAL Incident and very DANGEROUS Situation!
Fortunately, Marshall High School Admin Personnel was on the site on Sunday, and he was able to locate the master key. In short time, the locker was opened and the student was freed safely!
A similar incident happened once before at our school also. Unfortunately, the master key could not be located on that day and the school had to call 911 to break the locker door to free the student. The family had to be responsible for the damage of the school locker. On top of that, the incident caused lots of serious of issues for the HCSTC afterwards.
Parent, Please Warn your kids Do NOT Play LOCKER. The HCSTC has no control to unlock any locker at the George Marshall High School!
星期日 10-27-2024 下午14:50 ~ 15 课间休息时,在E 区, 六年级学在locker 前玩耍,不慎将一学生锁在狭小的locker里!这是一起非常严重事件,非常危险情况!
所幸,当日下午Marshall High School 的高层管理人员恰好在校,积极联络有关人员, 即时找到 master key, 打开locker 救出学生。
此类重大事件在 HCSTC 是第二次发生!上次因无法找到 master key, 最终 HCSTC 学校 致电 911, 请求911 专业营救人员用工具砸开 locker 门,营救出学生。HCSTC 就此一再告诫学生与家长:不可以任何形式 玩耍 locker !!
请家长们明白,HCSTC 只有权限使用教室与餐厅,无权限碰触教室与餐厅外的任何学校设施!HCSTC 更无权限与可能 命令 Marshall High School 的学生放学后 锁住locker, 以预防不测事件。
因此, 请家长们告诫子女不要在 locker区玩耍!不可碰触学校设施!更不要在走廊跑动, 一面发生意外! 一旦发生此类事故,由此引发的后果请学生家长自行承担!